We are being blessed once again with the month of Ramadan, a month of self-discipline, mercy towards others, empathy towards those who are suffering, solidarity with the destitute and above all, self-restraint in every dimension: restraining our organs from hurting others and restraining our souls from desires which may corrupt them.
How we eagerly hope that this very special month impact positively on all of us so that we can turn the page of today’s reality, a stunning reality characterised by pain, suffering, sweat and blood. Everyday we hear reports of violence, crime, divorce, corruption, hatred, intolerance, islamophobia, drug addiction, unsustainable debts, suicide, poverty, war, and the list is never-ending.
Ramadan is the opportunity for drastic positive change. A month of forgiveness from the Ever-Forgiving Lord, so let us repent sincerely for our overwhelming sins. A month of solidarity and empathy, so let us shake off our stinginess and pride to reach out for the most vulnerable and the poorest. If we want mercy from the Ever-Merciful, let us show mercy to the creatures of this world. If we want justice and good from others, let us be foremost in upholding justice, do good deeds towards others and restrain ourselves from harming others.
Can we overcome the wave of ‘jahiliya’ (ignorance, barbarism) prevailing over us? The month of Ramadan is the month of the Quran – The Quran brings light, guidance, healing, mercy to humankind and is soothing to the heart. Why are we underestimating the power of the Noble Quran to bring solutions to our plight? Why have we abandoned the Glorious Quran?
Dear brothers and sisters in humanity, let us all take the Quran seriously, read it, understand and reflect on its meaning, put in practice its teaching and spread its message to everyone without prejudice. We are in need of the Quranic guidance, the very words of the Almighty, in our life, our family, our children, our elders, our community, our country and our world, as the spiritual driver to remove us from darkness.
Let us open the pages of the Holy Quran and witness its miracles influence our life!
Dr M. Yaasir OZEER
Société islamique de Maurice (SIM)
NOTE : Les points de vue exprimés dans cette rubrique ne reflètent pas nécessairement ceux de la rédaction et n’engagent que les auteurs eux-mêmes.