MCB Focus met en garde contre des mesures « distorsionnaires » 

Dans leur 73e revue, MCB Focus revient en large sur plusieurs mesures budgétaires qu’a présenté le ministre des Finances, le 14 juin dernier.  «To start with, the authorities now face up to the formidable challenge of realising contemplated moves in a comprehensive manner, while proceeding in an efficient and effective was to optimise socio-economic gains therefrom. Furthermore it appears essential that we guard ourselves against the potentially distortionary outcomes of some policy measures and preserve the optimal allocation of resources », dit MCB Focus dans son document rendu public au courant de la semaine.

Par ailleurs, MCB Focus met également en exergue le temps d’implémentation des mesures budgétaires.  « […] another focus area relates to the speed at which envisioned measures are executed, particularly given project implementation lags observed in previous years […] », soutient le document.  « […] while ensuring that the execution of socio-economic measures is undertaken in a smooth and sustained way, it is crucial to foster credible fiscal and public debt management in orer to support long-term growth », poursuit le document.

Amendements aux impôts

MCB-Focus s’attarde également sur les «multiple amendments to the tax regime ». Dans le rapport on peut lire les affirmations suivantes, « […] the latest Budget has introduces further differential treatments on the income tax front […]», disent-ils avant d’ajouter que, «  […] as the situation stands however, Mauritius is departing ever more from a simple and integrated approach to taxation to a relatively complex and segmented regime targeted to boost specific economic sectors […] targeted fiscal incentives normally end-up providing only short-term and temporary economic stimulus […] ».