Open letter to our dear Hon. Prime minister Dr Navinchandra Ramgoolam
Houses for Young Medium-class working singles and couples
Nowadays, thousands of young medium-class working boys and girls and couples are not easily able to meet two ends at end of month to live decent lives; more so, it has become practically impossible for them to buy a plot of land to construct their dream homes. These persons are left with no other alternative than to contract loans by millions from banks at higher rates firstly to buy a piece of land at extremely higher prices and then to construct their individual homes of their choice. As a result, they are unfortunately indebted towards those financial institutions for rest of life. Many unmarried young boys and girls do not even dare to get married so long as they are not well established in their homes. The government naturally has an obligation towards these persons and our dear Hon. Prime Minister is fully aware of same.
For many years, all governments in place have always constructed low-cost housing for vulnerable families. It is high time now this new government must come forward fast and invest in the construction of individual homes with all amenities for these young people who are struggling hard to acquire a decent home for their families. In order to realize this laudable scheme, the government, under the direct supervision of the Prime Minister’s Office, must immediately:
- Carry out a survey to find out how many young people wish to obtain such a house. In this objective, Prime Minister’s office will launch appeal via newspapers and the MBC/TV calling for submission of applications for such housing scheme within a given timeframe
- Each home to be constructed on 8 perch of land comprising of a ground and first floor
- Ground floor with kitchen, dining room, washroom, TV room, one bed room 12x12ft and car park
- First floor comprising of a prayer room, a sitting corner and two bed rooms 12x12ft each
- Even if the price of the house may logically be somewhat expensive, these young persons may be called in to pay an initial deposit of Rs 50,000 during application process followed by a reasonable monthly payment according to their monthly salaries extended up to 30 years
- A well-organized Nurserie/Garderie may be constructed in each site with facilities so that these young couples could be able to procreate and keep their babies and children there between 7.30am to 5.30pm on week days while they are at work. Well trained women may be recruited to look after these kids during weekdays.
- Similar housing projects may be initiated at several sites at the same time all around Mauritius so that, in the first instance, more and more young medium-class working people (at least 8,000) may benefit from the scheme, as a priority, within the next coming year.
- Once the list is completed, same to be handed over to Ministry of housing and lands for immediate implementation of the scheme.
We are convinced that our dear Hon. Prime Minister will not remain insensible towards these young persons and will certainly come forward to assist them in their quest for a decent house soon.
Kind regards
Suttiadev Nuckchadee