The cry for freedom

Thomas Jefferson wrote “Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty”.  Freedom of expression is one of the fundamental rights which a democratic state guarantees to its people. Some prominent freedom fighters who lost their lives for this noble cause are Steve Biko in South Africa, Al Mukthar, the lion of the desert in Libya, Bobby Sand in Ireland, William Wallace in Scotland, Mahatma Gandhi in India and many Palestinian leaders and many other people throughout the world have fought tooth and nail in order to liberate themselves from the shackle of slavery. The outcome of the 60 zero in the General Elections of 2024 may be partly attributed to the suppression of freedom of speech by the MSM regime.

No bargaining power works when it concerns liberty and freedom. Curbing freedom with money is similar to clipping the wings of the bird and feeding it voraciously. The previous government wanted to trade with this important tenet of democracy. Just imagine how precarious our daily life was because the fear to voice out our opinion which might result in planting drugs in our house was omnipresent. Politicians must derive a lesson from the outcome of this election.   Remember well “on ne doit pas badiner pas avec la liberté des gens”.

Mystérieux Monsieur Moustache

Although it is immoral to listen to others private conversations, it was a necessary evil. He let the cats out of the bag and jostled the image of eminent personalities. The public at large took stock of several episodes of stunning conversation taking place between people of high rank, sometimes turning some dialogues like “gel” into a mockery. The contribution of this eavesdropping leading to the General Elections was of inordinate importance. The decisions of many electorates changed overnight in favour of “l’Alliance du Changement”. 

Lady Macbeth. Fair is foul, foul is fair

She looked like the innocent flower but was a serpent under it. She happened to dig the grave of Macbeth by intervening in the affairs of the state excessively. So many unilateral decisions were being taken by her and on top of it she could do and undo anything. Now we come to know that there were daggers in her smiles. Recruitments and promotions were done from “la cuisine”. Living under such regime where nepotism was taking place in broad day light made the youth of this country wild and outrageous. Hence, they made use of their right to vote to show their anger in a vehement way. “L’État c’est moi” this is how Lady Macbeth was imposing her authority. Soon a whirlwind came and separated the crown from the head of Macbeth. It is said that power tends to corrupt but absolute power corrupts absolutely.    

The new team should take to duty with dexterity. They have to address the ailing economy, create jobs, ramp up the purchasing power of common people, to tackle drug proliferation in our country, to boost up productivity by creating export oriented industries, to sustain the small and medium enterprises which is plummeting day- in day- out, to encourage high volume and high spent tourists by exploiting new markets besides our traditional ones, to encourage domestic tourism by offering more leisure and entertainment to local people,  make sports accessible to the youngsters in order to divert them from drug abuse and to protect the senior citizens from mistreatment.  

Navin Ramgoolam and Paul Berenger will definitely make a good team by adhering themselves to collective responsibility. They have to sink and swim together despite sporadic altercations. They have grown matured, full of wisdom with a common philosophy that is to work for the progress of our beloved country. It may be their last term of office and they must terminate it “en beauté”.

Cassam Tupsy