It is a well-known fact that since the past years the C.P.E. ranking results, the S.C results and diplomas at the Tertiary, scholarships winners, have clearly shown the percentage of each ethnic group in the field of Education. If any ethnic group of the Community finds itself in the decline while other minority ethnics have highly improved it is not the fault of the government nor any discrimination towards the above mentioned ethnic. It is simply a social problem in that same ethnic. To this point we would like to quote Mr Vinod Boolell from Weekly 19.09.18 who says: ‘Some of the comments the CERD makes about the plight of Creoles are not all necessary correct. Individuals from all ethnic groups do have access to schools, medical treatment, social security and other benefits. They are not the only ethnic group that is targeted by the police.’
Mr Vinod Boolell added further rightly that ‘’why the CERD focused on the plight of the Creoles so much is quite a perplexing question. By so doing, the CERD may unwittingly have thrown the germs of social interest in this country. Hate speech on social media is a concern and those indulged in it target individuals irrespective of their ethnic groups.’’
To be frank we must admit that the results and ranking in our education exams reflect clearly the future recruitment in the civil service. Does it reflect same in the private sector? It is a well-known fact that a certain ethnic would not like to apply for a job at the PSC they would prefer the private sector. Is it for the cause known only to them? That is why they are less represented in the public sector and widely represented in the private sector. It is a matter of discrimination in the public sector or merely a matter of qualification as other minority groups are more represented than them. As for the private sector, how is it that they are more represented? Only God Knows!!!
To conclude, we would like to appreciate Mr Mahesh Gobin’s position at the Commission although he has been very brief in his defence. In Mauritius, there is poverty in every community.
When a calamity strikes the country, it does not pick and choose at any specific ethnic group. But each group has its own way to overcome the damage caused. Some would try to tackle the problem alone. Some may have the help of his relatives whereas some would only ask help from the authorities.
P.S: As far as possible we have tried not to use the name of ethnic groups (except from quoted paragraphs) as this may cause chaos in our beautiful and harmonious country and we do not want to revive and experience the same communal hatred that aroused prior to our independence.
Abdool K.M Ahad