[Institut Escoffier] Open Letter to the Prime Minister

Dear Sir,

The Muslim Community views with concern the refusal for studentship of a Muslim lady in a culinary French institution because of her wearing of religious garb, which we consider incendiary, discriminatory and a new form of Colonisation. How come a foreign institution is trying to impose its hatred policies and procedures in Mauritians?

Similar incidents of hate, abusive or threatening actions have been in the news some year back, when a Hindu lady was prevented from wearing the Tikka at her workplace. The case was referred to the Employment Relation Tribunal and an Award was given in favour of the Disputant.

We understand that many foreign large organizations have their own internal policies and procedures, which are alien to our culture and mores. However, they should respect our grooming and various cultures, as our constitution defends the interests of every citizen, guaranteeing the religious practice. So, foreigners cannot dictate their filthy schemes on our people within our territory.

The fallacy of the French motto, ‘Liberty, Equality, Fraternity’’ is in fact but a disturbing upsurge of xenophobia, racism and intolerance throughout France. Muslims are being tested daily by the unbearable Islamophobic atmosphere.

These religious discriminations can manifest as subtle biases to overt actions and hate actions are a menace to our democratic values, social stability and peace. Muslims often face significant challenges in the workplace and institutions due to stereotypes, misconceptions, and outright discrimination. 

May we remind you Dear Sir, that the Muslim Community forms a prominent group of the rainbow Mauritian Community and has contributed significantly for its independence and economic growth. It has always strived for living peacefully with other components of the Mauritian society.

Such hateful action, especially revealed to the large public can only bring disunion and unnecessary tension.

We urge the Government to deal with those foreign Islamophobic Institution, and hope that strong action is taken against the offender. The Muslim Community simply asks for a positive sign of your strong leadership, if need be, to remove their Operating Licenses on our territory.

We wish to reassure you of the willingness and readiness of the Muslim Community to work towards social unity for a better Mauritius

Bashir Nuckchady