[L.E] PRAY FOR THEM Biden’s hypocrisy: Don’t trust him!

Do you believe United States President Joe Biden when he said during his Middle East tour, that his government is insisting on accountability for the killing of the American-Palestinian of Al Jazeera journalist Shireen Abu Akleh by the Israeli army?

Has joe Biden since coming to office say one single word against the apartheid regime of Israel? President Biden said “The United States will continue to insist on a full and transparent accounting of her death and will continue to stand up for media freedom everywhere in the world” on Friday 15th July in a joint press conference with President Mahmoud Abbas. But questions beg?

  • What has the United States done up to now?
  • What has Israel done following pressure from the United States?
  • Will the United States sanction Israel?
  • What accountability is the President of the United States referring to?
  • Is the United States true to its undertaking of standing up for freedom everywhere in the world?
  • Why has the President of the United States failed to mention the responsibility of the United States for the killing of Shireen Abu Akleh?
  • Is president Joe Biden honest when he said “I hope that her legacy will inspire more young people to carry on her work of reporting the truth and telling the stories that are too often overlooked”?
  • Did President Joe Biden notice that about a dozen journalist wore a black T-shirt with Shireen Abu Akleh’s face on it in sign of protest?
  • Why did President Joe Biden not meet the family of Abu Shireen Akleh? Why not? What is he scared of?
  • Why no questions were permitted from the press after the joint press conference?
  • Is President Joe Biden aware that the State Department acknowledged earlier this month that the fatal bullet that struck Shireen Abu Akley come from an Israeli Army position?
  • Is President Joe Biden aware that the State Department changed its “analysis” to say it was the “unintentional result of tragic circumstances”?
  • Is president Biden stance not symptomatic of the sense of guarding Israel’s impunity?
  • Why did President Joe Biden not commit to an in-depth inquiry by the FBI?
  • Why President Biden is so economical with truth concerning Shireen Abu Akleh?

President Biden speaking in Bethlehem also said “his commitment to the goal of the Two-state solution has not changed” and […] two States along the 1967 lines with mutually agreed upon swaps remains the best way to achieve equal measures of security, prosperity, freedom and democracy for the Palestinians as well as the Israelis”.

Beautiful statement but President Biden: who will trust you? I don’t!

And President Biden did also add that the time is not ripe for a Two-state solution…

When will the time be ripe? When?

Why must the Palestinians wait? Is there a time for justice?

 Rama Valayden

NOTE : Les points de vue exprimés dans cette rubrique ne reflètent pas nécessairement ceux de la rédaction et n’engagent que les auteurs eux-mêmes.