[Poetry corner] Janer kahan gayer who din (where have gone those days)

By Cassam Tupsy

Where have gone those days for which I lament

Rapt in thought, I vision those events pungent

Joys, then sorrow from the dawn of life sways

Where have gone those days?

Poverty at its height would scorn at us thoroughly

Life not being a bed of roses seizes us strongly

Poor in money but rich in love we use to appraise

Where have gone those days?

Home sweet home, all the family members together

Eating dinner; petrol lamp spreading its light further

Playing, frolicking and narrating stories of olden days

Where have gone those days?

Meeting friends on the street and boutique chinois

Watching television at the village hall talking patois

Fun and joy knowing no limits, marvelous good days

Where have gone those days?

Late night gossiping in tabagies and hairdresser’s saloon

The tumultuous life dissipates and joys come soon

No money can buy happiness remember it always

Where have gone those days?