PRAY FOR THEM : The Zionists will steal the Palestinians again…

You like or not Israel (and of course the Zionist movements behind) never ‘fails’ to deliver. When Israel says that it will do ‘something’ it does… unlike the Arab States. The Arab States blather. The Arab States talk big but act little.

On the first of July 2020 the fascist Prime Minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu, will annex or announce his plans for the annexation of the Jordan Valley and Northern Dead Sea.

Annexation is a rape of International law:

Understanding the basics:

  1. Do you know that before the British mandate in Palestine, in 1917, the Jews accounted for only six percent of the total population?
  2. Do you know that on the 31st October 1917 the British forces conquered Palestine from the Ottoman Turks?
  3. Do you know that the British conquest of 1917 of Palestine ended 1,400 (yes 1,400 years!) years of Islamic Rule over the region?
  4. Do you know that in 1920 the British began its 28-year rule over British mandate in Palestine?
  5. Do you know that during the First Word War the British, through the Balfour declaration, promised to the Zionists the ‘establishment in Palestine of a National Home for the Jewish people’?
  6. Do you know that in 1917 the Jews in Palestine were only in Haifa, Jaffa and Jerusalem?
  7. Do you know that in Haifa, Jaffa and Jerusalem they were only a tiny minority?
  8. Do you know that during the British mandate the British aided and abetted the Zionists to emigrate from Europe to Palestine?
  9. Do you know that between 1920-1946 around 400,000 Jews immigrated to Palestine?
  10. Do you know that after the Second World War (1939-1945) the United Nations proposed a plan which granted 55% (yes fifty-five percent) of historic Palestine to a Jewish state?
  11. Do you know that in 1947 the Palestinians despite the emigration and all sorts of bullying, were the lawful owners of 94% of historic Palestine?
  12. Do you know that the United Nations (resolution 181) partition plan of 1947 was never implemented on the ground?
  13. Do you know that according to the United Nations plan of 1947 the old city of Jerusalem would have been under Internatioanl control?
  14. Do you know that on 14th may 1948 the British mandate ended?
  15. Do you know that the expiry of the British mandate on May 14, 1948 was the cause of the first Arab Israeli war?
  16. Do you know that the Zionist military expelled 750,000 Palestinians from their own lands?
  17. Do you know that the Zionists military captured 78 percent of historic Palestine?
  18. Do you know that the remaining 22 percent was divided into the West Bank and Gaza Strip?
  19. Do you know that an armistice was signed between Israel and Egypt, Lebanon, Jordan and Syria in 1949?
  20. Do you know that the ARMISTICE LINE of 1949 is also known as the GREEN LINE and is generally accepted (despite its tortuous history and how the Zionists obtained the “lands”) as the boundary between Israel and the West Bank?
  21. Do you know that during the 1967 war Israel occupied all of historic Palestine and expelled more than 300,000 Palestinians from their homes?
  22. Do you know that in 1967 war Israel captured the Syrian Golan Heights in the north and the Egyptian Sinai Peninsula in the south?
  23. Do you know that Israel is 20,770km2?
  24. Do you know that the occupied Palestinian territories have been under Israeli military control since 1967?
  25. Do you know that Israeli occupation of Palestinian territories is the longest occupation in modern history?
  26. Do you know that Gaza and the West Bank are divided into 16 Governorates and has a population of around five million Palestinians living in extreme poverty?
  27. Do you know that there are 250 Jewish communities’ settlements (meaning only Jews) in the occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem?
  28. Do you know that the Jewish settlements in the occupied territories is a gross violation of the fourth Geneva Convention?
  29. Do you know that since 2002 Israel has been constructing a wall (Shame!) that sketches for more than 700 Kilometres?
  30. Do you know that there are more than 700 road obstacles across the West Bank including 140 checkpoints?
  31. Do you know that there are more than 5 million Palestinians living in 58 official camps?
  32. Do you know that in 1980 Israel passed a law, which is another rape of International law, annexing East Jerusalem?
  33. Do you know that Israel repeated the same process (Question 32) with the Syrian Golan Heights?
  34. Do you know than in 2019 that President Trump recognises Israel’s annexation of the Golan Heights?
  35. Do you know that the Old City located in East Jerusalem (home to the Al-Aqsa mosque compound, the Western Wall, St James Cathedral, the Church of Holy Sepulchre) is home to some of the holiest sites in Islam, Judaism and Christianity!
  36. Do you know that the size of the Old City is only 0.9Km2?
  37. Do you know that Israel’s annexation of the fertile Jordan Valley means:
  38. Israel will completely surround the Palestinians.
  39. Cutting Palestinian water,
  40. Cutting agricultural resources,
  41. Speeding up of the construction of Jewish settlements…?
  42. Do you know that there are only 14.7 million Jews in the world?

I am trying dear young readers, through the do you know questions to impart to you some of the basic facts of the Palestinian problem for you to understand… our impotence will be seen again this week when the annexations become, unfortunately, true…