A proper reflection on death penalty is a necessity!
The cold blooded and atrocious murder of the school boy Ritesh Gobin at Petite Rivière last week invites some comments. How on Earth can...
Retour de la manivelle
Il y a des signes qui ne trompent pas. Quand le gouvernement utilise ses pouvoirs pour restreindre la liberté d’expression de la population, en...
Société malade
N'importe quel sociologue vous le dira : la société mauricienne est à bout de souffle. Elle est mal dans sa peau. Elle n'est pas...
De la prison au parlement : Anwar ibrahim, l’espoir de la malaysie
En 1968, il devint président de l'Union nationale des étudiants et devint l'une des principales figures des mouvements de contestation étudiante. Il a participé...
Best Loser System (BLS): what for?
It must be recalled that the BLS was included in the Constitution in the wake of the discussions on the independence of Mauritius in...
Child marriage: 803 children including 705 girls from 15 to 19 years married between...
By Ahmad Macky
Child marriage is a growing problem across countries based on cultures, religions and ethnicities. Child brides can be found in every region...
Xinjiang : One million uighurs in prison because they are muslims
Around one million or even more of innocent Uighurs and other ethnic minorities in the northwest of China more exactly in the Xinjiang region...
Aneries à la Koonjoo
« Un sot dans un poste élevé, comme le filet d'eau dans le lit d'un fleuve, occupe une place sans la remplir ». Cette citation de...
Ethnicity and Discrimination in Mauritius
It is a well-known fact that since the past years the C.P.E. ranking results, the S.C results and diplomas at the Tertiary, scholarships winners,...
Road accidents: What about compensation for victims of uninsured drivers?
Since January 2018 there have been more than 120 deaths on our roads due to careless and dangerous driving. The amount of road casualties...