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Port Louis
Tuesday, May 14, 2024

76th Independence Day of Pakistan and its relations with Mauritius

Pakistan and Mauritius diplomatic relations have gained momentum in past few years. From being cordial and friendly, for centuries before the independence...

Rodrigues et le calendrier scolaire post-COVID : Pathétiques, toxiques et dangereux

La scolarisation de l’enfant demeure le moyen par lequel une société donnée procure aux citoyens de demain l’apprentissage aux vecteurs de transmission du savoir....

PRAY FOR THEM : “Israel will rape again!”

  The recently reinstalled Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is going ahead with his colonial intentions to annex the illegal Jewish settlements in the occupied West...

“Global Intifada”

The annexations of the Illegal Jewish (only for Jews only) settlements in the occupied West Bank and the fertile Jordan Valley are causing a...

L.E Sukus, an outlet to fund raising

An inaugural Sukuk issurance by the Bank of Mauritius (paragraph 100 (d) of the Budget)   Sukuk issuance & trading has been rapidly growing in the...

PRAY FOR THEM : The Zionists will steal the Palestinians again…

You like or not Israel (and of course the Zionist movements behind) never ‘fails’ to deliver. When Israel says that it will do ‘something’...


The nation may say “we are fortunate to live in a democratic country”. Elections are called almost every five years; the electorate are called...

PRAY FOR THEM : Prepare for Global Intifada!

  It is refreshing to learn that the fierce rival factions HAMAS AND FATAH have decided to unite their forces to fight against Israel’s colonial...

L.E : The 2-State solution: ISRAEL AND PALESTINE

Palestine is recognised by the United Nations as the world's 194th State but Israel is simply taking large parts of it over, in violation...


Clinical governance is a framework which helps all clinicians including nurses to continuously improve quality and safeguard standard of care. It is an umbrella term...

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Accident à Poste de Flacq : L’état de santé d’un homme jugé sérieux

Un accident s’est produit hier matin à Poste de Flacq, impliquant une fourgonnette et une motocyclette. Un homme de 31 ans pilotait...

[Questions parlementaires] Leptospirose, affaire de drogue et dossier Agaléga au menu ce mardi

Environ neuf questions seront adressées au Premier ministre, Pravind Jugnauth, lors des travaux parlementaires de ce mardi. C’est le député Nando Bodha...

[Menace de Biden de ne plus livrer d’armes à Israël] Alain Laridon : « Garder le...

Plusieurs pays qui condamnent les bombardements d'Israël contre la Palestine ont réagi positivement aux menaces du président des États-Unis, Joe Biden, de...