22.1 C
Port Louis
Sunday, May 5, 2024

Questions supplémentaires à la MPA

Trois Naufrages à Pointe-aux-Sables et Bain-des-Dames : Est-ce que TOUS les opérateurs radio de la ‘Port-Louis Harbour Radio’ ont...

[L.E] Les Musulmans, entre la Russie et l’Ukraine

Il y a une condamnation tous azimuts par tous les pays du monde en ce qui concerne l’invasion de l’Ukraine par la...

[L.E] A Labour Party strength and force is silhouetting at the horizon?

It is obvious, and without any doubt, that the Labour Party is definitely making a gradual revival across the country. By basing...


Thursday 17 March was just another normal day for the Auleear family, especially for Islam, its eldest member. He ate his meals,...

Nation-states, an evil for the Islamic world

In fact, Islam stands for absolute unity of the ummah. Unfortunately after the disintegration...

[LE]PRAY FOR THEM The Apartheid Law…

Some days ago in the occupied (against basic international law but unlike Ukraine, Israel remain “untouchable”, especially by a lot of hypocritical...

Be thankful to God : Ramadan … The great month is coming

Thanks God! I am blessed to have taken birth on the island of Mauritius. After the fastings of Cavadee...

[L.E] PRAY FOR THEM : Be prepared to shed tears

Two days after a Palestinian from an illegally occupied village near Jenin killed five people in central Israel a raid, organised by...

[OBITUARY] Hassam Moossa Rawat

 Hassam Moossa Rawat, a well-known public figure, left us after a long illness and was laid to rest in Riche Terre cemetery...

[L.E]Ramadan Message 2022 – Act Now!

We are being blessed once again with the month of Ramadan, a month of self-discipline, mercy towards others, empathy towards those who...

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Par Zahirah RADHA Révoqué, désavoué mais il s’accroche toujours au MSM. Vikram Hurdoyal est ainsi devenu un Ivan Collendavelloo...

Eshan Juman dénonce la protection dont jouissent des membres du gouvernement

Le député travailliste du no. 3 voulait savoir si une enquête policière a été ouverte après la participation du ministre de la...

Richard Duval: « J’exhorte la population de voir au-delà des gains temporaires »

Q : Quel est votre état d’esprit après votre démission du PMSD ? Comme vous le savez, j’ai démissionné de toutes...