It is easy to fall into the trap of sycophancy when a loved one and on top a famous person has departed our world. Yousuf left us on the first day of Ramadan which is a gateway to paradise. Ramadan year after year he has respected. For the last 30 years Yousuf has repeatedly asked me with a genuine concern whether I am fasting or not. Sensitive to details and what affect a person.

A lot of ink of different colours will be used to pay homage to Yousuf Mohamed. Everybody will tell his parcel of the man whom he has known but I seriously doubt whether one person can encapsulate the life of such a giant. I believe that in the case of the life Yousuf Mohamed the Indian parable of the “Blind Men and the Elephant” shows to us the immensity of the task. What is true and genuine might be interpreted as prate by those who had the misfortune of not knowing him.

For my sake, I have known Yousuf Mohamed with the following fezes since 1990’s (I am not using hats in order to convey the image of Sir Razack Mohamed who came to Mauritius in 1925 and who was always wearing his Fez to underline his pride of being a Muslim).

I have known him first of all as the father of Shakeel Mohamed. I will deal only with some aspects which I have known him about his life.

Mentor – Pupil Master

As per law, every person who has passed his/her vocational exams must go through a period of pupillage under the supervision of pupil master i.e a barrister of some years of experience. Lucky are those who had the golden chance of doing their pupillage under the guidance of Yousuf Mohamed

Yousuf was more than a pupil master, he was a mentor. Mentor as in the ancient Greek Epic Poem “Odysseys” of Homer where Odysseus left with total trust his very young son

Telemachus in the hands of Mentor. Odysseus went without any worry to fight in the Trojan war. It is apposite to note that in the Odyssey written around 3000 years ago, Mentor was impersonated by Athena the Goddess of wisdom. So, in my opinion Yousuf Mohamed was a Mentor who has transformed and polished so many precious gems of the profession.

One does not become learned through the award of a degree but when you have been under the gaze of Yousuf Mohamed you don’t have any other alternative than to improve. As was said by the great Rabindranath Tagore “C’est contre le vent que le cerf volant monte plus haut”

Under the mentorship of Yousuf, one learns how to see through the deed of men & women of this world.

You learn that learning is not a curve but a constant progress towards perfection. There is not one single young barrister who has not become wiser after meeting Yousuf Mohamed. I can safely vouch for that.

Yes, Yousuf Mohamed has been a kind mentor to many of us who I hope will live up to the high expectations? He has set up for all. Shakeel and Zakir know how high standards are set and how disciplined one have to be to meet.

Sir Gaetan Duval told me that Yousuf Mohamed is a great cross examiner…. Indeed, he was. For the posteriority.

Yousuf’s Cross examination Techniques:

  • There is no substitute for systematic preparations and conscientious work! No substitute for it however brilliant you are;
  • Train your memory to be focussed and don’t let any memory lapse;
  • Learning from what you see in the bazaar or elsewhere will endow you with common sense;
  • “enn tirinn sikolog”; Yes knowledge of psychology is important for a lawyer;
  • Observant and keep your wits;
  • A clear evaluation of the issues in the case;
  • A sound (keep on reading) of the Laws of Criminal procedure and Law of evidence which are the tools of trade of Barristers;
  • Weaknesses of the case of your opponent;
  • Never let the witness get away!
  • Questions should be short not lengthy. However, complex the case is (it us where Sir Gaetan excelled);
  • Questions should corner the witness to answer by “Yes” or “No  

Thanks for being a Mentor to all of us and to bequeath to us the techniques of cross examination


To claim to have known Yousuf is to have laughed and joked with Yousuf. From political to salacious jokes. Yousuf always had a kind word whether to a close friend, agent or even a stranger.


Whether in Court at a Public meeting his personality was infectious. Youssuf’s mere presence with Avengers on 30th January 2022 at La Louise spurred us on to fight the mighty. In brief, Yousuf touched the lives of so many people from new-borns to most senior citizen. It was a pleasure to see him chatting with “Le commun des mortels” in an elevator.


His unassuming and disarming smile could put anyone at ease. Selflessness and generosity were two traits that highlighted his personality. Yousuf touched the lives of so many people. How many persons have I referred to Yousuf who have never been turned down…? Yousuf has never turned down a young member of the Criminal Bar who has knocked his door for a piece of advice basic or complex. Never! Others are always too busy with their hectic schedules. Yousuf and Sir Gaetan were made of other rare materials. They were truly the “Last of the Mohicans”

I will not forget him…

Yousuf! May you be blessed!

Until we meet…


Yours in Peace
Rama Valayden

NOTE : Les points de vue exprimés dans cette rubrique ne reflètent pas nécessairement ceux de la rédaction et n’engagent que les auteurs eux-mêmes.