PRAY FOR THEM : Freedom and Independence

Again, our brothers from occupied East Jerusalem are under severe attacks from the Israeli army after a surge of uncoordinated attacks which have killed more than 15 Israelis, attacks which have not been seen in the last years.

On the 7th of April, a Palestinian man, on an errand of his own, killed three people and wounded more than 15 others in a crowded Tel-Aviv amusement centre.

The lonesome Palestinian fighter was killed in Yafa. What is Yafa? Yafa is an old city where once lived a majority of Palestinians. With the advent of the State of Israel, Yafa, like many others, was ethnically cleansed in 1948. A genocide which has gone unpunished up to now.

Yaakov Shabtai, the Commissioner of Police in Israel, said that the lonesome Palestinian was killed during an “exchange of fire”.

What is the name of the lonesome Palestinian fighter? His name is Raad Hazem. Where does he come from?  From the unlawfully occupied West Bank city of Jenin. Our young readers must never forget that Jenin has always been the subject of vicious assaults by the Israeli forces. One week ago, the fascist Israeli forces killed three Palestinians in a brutish attack.

What will happen now in the occupied West Bank after the Tel-Aviv killings? More Israeli forces will be in the occupied West Bank. What does that mean? “More raids, more detentions and certainly more restrictions for those Palestinians who cross that separation barrier on a daily basis to get to their jobs inside Israel”. The translation of what will be done by the security forces is by Hoda Abdel-Hamid, a young woman journalist of Al-Jazeera.

And it is sad to emphasize what the fascist Israeli Defence Minister, Benny Gantz, said? He said that Israeli forces made around 200 arrests, but if necessary, there will be thousands of arrests. You have understood that Palestinians will be arrested without any suspicion. Detained for months without any charge. Detained without any trial. Young children and women will be arrested, assaulted and tortured while the whole world will turn a blind eye and a deaf ear.

Human side of the story

Of course, it is sad to see innocent Israelis losing their lives. But on the other hand, why does a poor lonesome Palestinian go on a mission to kill on his own? It is because he has witnessed oppression on a daily basis, year after year. Hazem was born and raised in the Jenin refugee camp. Even the Palestinian armed groups, with the support of the Palestinian Authority, are scared to enter Jenin refugee camp because their authority continues to wane.

Disillusionment is intensifying. Fed up, the youth of Jenin refugee camp is with the Palestinian Authority. Jenin is today a stronghold for resistance. At least 28 Palestinians have been killed by the Israeli forces since the beginning of 2022.

The father of Fathi Hazem was defiant: “Palestinian people are demanding freedom and Independence.”

Yes…. That’s the only route to peace.


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